Sustainable Development in Africa & Satellites - page 8

The shortest way from one point
to another is not a straight line,
but a dream.
The Black Pharaohs dynasty
Amun temple, Luxor, Egypt. Nubian black pharaohs ruled over the
whole of Egypt for three-quarters of a century as the country’s 25
dynasty (BC 760 to BC 656).
Among them, King Taharqa built a huge kiosk with magnificent
papyrus columns of which one remains. These pharaohs came
from the Kingdom of Kush situated at the confluence of Blue Nile
and White Nile in what is now the Republic of Sudan. Conventional
Egyptology has long ignored the role that these indigenous African
rulers played in developing Egypt, an African nation.
© J.D. Dallet/Suds-Concepts
Dal et/Suds-Concepts
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